monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In the town where I was born...

Wow, I feel pretty good! I slept a long time this morning and then caught another short nap in the afternoon, so I'm rested, and I took some Claritin for my stuffy nose. I went shopping with Ruthann and bought some groceries, too, so there's food in my house! I know my family will be happy about that.

When we were at the grocery store, I was humming an annoying little song (The horrible Quizno's song) while we were in line at the checkout. The cashier heard me say something about it to Ruthann and she told the bagboy to hum something else for me. Apparently he is famous for always humming, singing or whistling. He tried to get me started on Yellow Submarine, but I'm not sure that was a better choice.

I tried to put a password on Scott's website, but I don't think it worked. If you have problems, let me know; I'll look at it again tomorrow and try to figure out how to change that.

Buffy was perfectly willing to go for a walk with Kim and I tonight, go fig! She had already been on a long walk with Rich, but she jumped right up when we were getting ready to leave, so we took her with us, and she was fine. She didn't drag on the leash to get back to the house, and she didn't act all mopey, she just trotted along. She did manage to pick up a long piece of toilet paper from a TP'd lawn and she carried that for a while, but she got tired of it and dropped it instead of eating it.

I've got about 6 inches done on Dave's missionary vest and I brought it to work tonight so I can knit and read The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza, by Lawrence Block. I love his writing!

Here's another little quiz to amuse yourself with, since I don't have much to say today. I did well on it, but it's not because I know the rules of grammar, it's just because I have a good ear for language.

Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

11:26 p.m. - 2004-04-05


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