monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Dang it.

I had a day off of work yesterday and I got lots of sleep and did almost nothing of note! It was great!

This morning I was going to go to Rockford to return a book to Barnes & Noble, but as we were leaving town, I realized that I didn't have the book with me, so we (Ruthann and I) turned around and went to get some Chinese food for lunch at Imperial Palace and didn't go to Rockford after all.

I was dying for a nap in the afternoon, but I had to stay awake to pick up Kim at 2:30. When she got in the car she said that something kind of weird happened to her at school today - her friend Erik asked her to go out with him. I asked where he wanted her to go, and she said no, it was like go out with him, like be a couple, (I'm so out of it!) but she told him she couldn't date until she was 16. He said he thought she was 16, and she said no, she's 15, and he said "Dang it," and ran off. Well, okay then.

That just made me remember the first boy who asked me to go with him in high school when I was Kim's age, actually. He was the seriously weird brother of my best friend Beth and we used to call him The Monkeydoodle (We had names for everyone!). He approached me in the hall, holding out his hand with his class ring (with an ugly white stone) on his palm, and asked me if I would wear it. I was staring at it in shock and horror, trying to think of how to say No nicely, when he started giggling and ran away in the other direction. I'm still not sure if he meant it as a joke, or just pretended to because of the horrified look on my face. It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

So anyway, the thing about Erik is that she just isn't interested in him. He always remembers her birthday and gives her a present, something carefully chosen with her interests in mind, and he is pleasant and polite to have around, but there are no pheromones. Dang it. He knows how to play Euchre! Isn't that enough? Can she just possibly think of my needs?

Kim went to a sleepover at GH's house tonight and Rich went to a Black Belt thing in Rockford, and I had to stay home alone in the hot, boring house with the dog! It wouldn't have been so boring had I not been stuck with the dog all night, but she kept pacing around, tearing up her newspaper and squeaking her toys in a listless manner. I had a good library book to read but the dog's ennui was ruining it for me! I took her for two walks, and I tried to pet her while I read my book, which always makes the cats happy (in fact, Patsy licked my nose tonight, that's how much he appreciated a little petting), but when I tried to pet her she just wanted to hold my wrist between her teeth and while I don't mind the holding, I do mind when she starts gnawing, so I gave her a rawhide bone but she doesn't care for them. It was a long night and I'm glad to be here at work again.

11:43 p.m. - 2004-04-16


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