monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I cooked!

I need to go to the chiropractor. My back got a wrench when I fell the other night (see the entry In Which Buffy Tries to Kill Me) and it's been hurting ever since. I thought it would get better, because that's what I always think; that if I ignore something it will go away, in spite of evidence to the contrary and unfortunate consequences in the past. So yes, I need to go to the chiropractor. Someday soon.

I made Lentils and Chicken to feed the missionaries tonight and they liked it! I always hesitate to cook for other people because I make weird food, but I should get over that. There are people who think that everything I make is good, like Big Dave, and also Rachel's friend Talia. I love to cook for people who appreciate it, which is why I never cook anymore. I live with Rich, who doesn't care what he eats, so why bother?

Kim had a Harp Ensemble concert before the orchestra concert tonight, and luckily Rich was able to attend, so they went to that and I went back to bed. I was having some weird dreams, and then Big Dave's parents showed up at the door, wanting to use my phone book to look up an address. They asked if they woke me up, and I said yes, but they came in and looked up stuff anyway. I let the dog jump all over them for revenge. Then the damn dog peed on the floor, but I ignored it until Rich came home.

Rich took the dog for a walk after he cleaned up the floor and Kim and I went for a walk in the other direction. Kim told me about the concert, and chatted about school a little -- oh, and get this! -- she said that some people asked her at lunch if she could play Euchre (they must have needed a fourth player) so she played with them! I'm so proud! Now if we only had two people we could play with, she and I could play and she could become good at it! Her friend Erik knows how, but who else? Maybe we can teach one of her girlfriends - maybe Catsy, she's not too irritating.

I had a call from Grandma's cousin in Nebraska tonight. She said that Grandma got there with R&M a couple of days ago and the Dynamic Duo left today. So that's where Gma is now. We'll visit her later this summer.

11:45 p.m. - 2004-04-19


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