monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Pee, mostly.

Woke up at 2 and it was raining! The rain continued all afternoon, in a soothing way, and that was fine, but you know what dogs don't like? They don't like to go out and pee in the rain. And when you take them out by force gentle persuasion, they come back in with stinky wet fur.

When I picked Kim up after school she said that she had what sounds like a pissing match with one of her teachers, but I never got the details. She told me she had volunteered to help the orchestra teacher get ready for a competition thingy tomorrow so she had to go back to school at 5:30 and would be there until ?? I had to be at work at 7, where I still am, and Rich was going to be at a karate class, so there was no one available to bring her home from school. We worked that out with Rich, who took the night off of karate to stay home and spend some quality time with his dog and a rug shampooer while waiting for Kim's call to pick her up.

And here I am, back at work with my knitting and some reading. Oh boy.

11:50 p.m. - 2004-04-20


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