monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


He knows about your party, he is calling you dude.

1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 23.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the sentence in your journal with these instructions.

So let me see, what book do I even have?

"But none of the fierce black mustaches approached Mrs. Pollifax." - from Mrs Pollifax and the Whirling Dervish by Dorothy Gilman. I love Mrs. Pollifax.


I've been a little nervous about hosting a couple of students this week for Tri-Double-I, a high school music festival that our school is hosting this year. Rich signed us up to take two kids of either sex, earlier in the year, and I was afraid it would be too much pressure, what with having to clean the house and act polite and not curse and all, so I've been a little edgy about it.

Today we went down to the high school to pick up our kids. There were people all over, holding up signs with the names of their assigned kids on them. I had just printed the names of our two on a piece of paper for Rich to hold up and with all his complaining about how tired his arms were, you would have thought he was holding a Volkswagon up over his head, the whiner. We were assigned two boys, by the way, which already kind of takes the pressure off, because I was worried that girls might be noticing the dirt and the smell of dog pee, but boys, well, they'd just play video games and drink Mountain Dew.

Our kids turned out to be darling, very nice boys, and we like them a lot! One of them is kind of goth, with thumbholes cut in his (black) sleeve cuffs and he has kind of reddish, super curly hair in that short on the bottom ponytail on top hairdo. He is so cute! The other one is just a very nice kid, with longish straight hair that is constantly in his face, and he's very outgoing and chatty, and he told Kim some facts about Herbert Hoover and the league of nations tonight that he learned in his AP History class to help her with an assignment. He plays percussion, and you know they always have charisma!

They are being very tolerant of certain Annoying Puppies and they watched Kim play Crystal Chronicles tonight after they all skipped out of attending the mixer dance after the first concert. Oh, and the percussionist appreciates Cake, Weezer and Ben Folds, so you know he's my new best friend. He is familiar with Ben Kweller and Ben Harper, too. I hope he marries one of my daughters!

So here I am back at work, with my knitting - still the cabled rib vest - and my Mrs. Pollifax book. Looking forward to a quiet evening.

Ruthann is out of town for a week, and Rachel is going to Dave's this weekend, so I'm anticipating a long long weekend with my three days off. Cue the sad monkey whine...hoooooo.

11:20 p.m. - 2004-04-21


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