monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's always something.

Wow, I had three days off in a row for the first time in months! It was very pleasant, and I got lots of sleep and read 3 books and knitted a lot. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if both Ruthann and Rachel hadn't been out of town, but again, I had library books and knitting so it was okay.

Kim's Dance Dance Revolution game arrived on Friday and she had it set up when I woke up on Saturday. She started playing it around noon, and was joined by Catseh about 3. They played it the rest of the day and into the night, finally going to sleep after midnight.

While the girls were playing DDR all day, Rich was gone at TaeKwonDo tournament. He was there to be a judge and referee, and apparently he participated in a couple of things, too, because he came home with two trophies! I couldn't be prouder!

The dog just slept all day - maybe she was depressed because Rich wasn't home. I took her out to walk and potty, but mostly she just slept.

The back of the cable rib vest is done, and I've got about half done of both the right and left sides. I started one side upstairs and left it by my bed, and the other one I worked on when I was in the living room and they are equally long now. I'm going to get ahead on one of them tonight though.

I'm already planning what to work on next. I think I'll finish the hooded cardi that I started in December, then I want to make a little cardi for Kim.

Kim has a sore throat today, so I brought her home from church after sacrament meeting and she's been napping on the couch all day. She probably needed the sleep after playing DDR for 12 hours.

Rachel called as she was driving home from Dave's and we were talking about the weekend, when suddenly her phone cut out. No big deal, she was probably just passing through an area of low service or something. Well, then she called back later to say that her car had broken down and her phone was dead! So it wasn't just an area of low service, she was obviously passing through some sort of vortex that sucks all the power out of things! She wasn't taken aboard a spaceship and probed, but then, she wouldn't remember it if she was!

So she was stuck in the Middle of Nowhere, Missouri, but some nice people at a nearby church helped her. They got her car towed to the nearest dealer, and helped her get to a motel for the night and tomorrow we'll work on getting her back to school.

I was about to take Buffy out for a walk when she first called, and she said she'd call back when she knew where she'd be staying, so I took the dog out and while I was walking, I tried to call Dave to let him know what was going on, and he wasn't home, so not only did I have no one to worry with (and you know Rich isn't much of a worrier, but he did make an effort to be reassuring this time), but I had to listen to some stupid LONG answering machine message! That is something that pisses me off on the best of days, and when I'm feeling frantic it pushes me right over the edge! So after I walked the damn dog, I went back in the house and told Rich that Dave really isn't the one for Rachel, because how can she marry someone with a horrible answering machine message? Oh right, if Rachel's happy, we're happy.

When Dave finally called me back, he did seem properly concerned, so that made me feel better.

So there you go, it started out quiet and dull, but the weekend ended up with some excitement. What's not to like?

11:07 p.m. - 2004-04-25


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