monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Kim tries to hold a baby.

Karin and Kelly came over and brought the cutest, nicest baby ever, and she crawled around in a very happy way, putting all of the dog's toys into her mouth, and being interested in, but not afraid of, the big hairy dog that wanted to get right in her face. The nice baby even shared her pretzel with the dog! She's precious!

Kim has never actually held a baby, and I gave her this one but it was very awkward, so next time the baby comes to visit, Kim will have to practice.

I had a very long day, because when you wake up at 4:30, you've lived a full day by noon. I drove Kim to seminary and picked up Ruthann to get breakfast, but first she went with me while I got a blood test, then we ate a big fatty breakfast at McDonald's. We drove out to the country to look for the Inn where Kim will be playing at a wedding next month, but owing to not having brought the address, we spent a much longer time than needed, just driving and driving but finally we did find it. Then we went to the grocery store and finally, home.

I went back to the chiropractor at 11, and when I got home I went to bed! Kim said she tried to call when I didn't pick her up at the bread store after school, but there was no answer so she just walked home. She woke me up when Karin and Kelly came at 3:30.

When the girls left I went back to bed, and now I'm working.

I finished all the pieces of the blue cable rib vest, and joined the pieces at the shoulders, then I didn't feel like picking up all the edge stitches, so brought the cable hooded cardi to work. I'm going to force myself to finish it, and send it to Jeanette.

Rachel picked up her car in Missouri tonight and called me on her way back. She sounded happy! She's done with classes except for one final, and she's got a little tutoring to do on Saturday - to prepare other people for their finals - and then she's done! I'm so looking forward to having her home for a couple of weeks after she graduates!

12:39 a.m. - 2004-05-01


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