monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why I didn't go to the movies tonight.

We had plans to see the Prisoner of Azkaban today, big plans. However, that didn't happen. Maybe next week we can do it, because this weekend is too busy.

Karin came over yesterday to help clean the yarn room, and then we were all going to go to see The Movie today. We didn't get around to cleaning the yarn room yesterday, but we knitted and watched Rachel play Legend of Zelda until her character died. Then we taught Karin to play Euchre! That was so much fun! Kim has improved and Karin caught on quick, so everyone enjoyed it. We played again today, too.

So today we actually cleaned the yarn room! Well, okay, when I say "we", I mean that Rachel and Karin cleaned and organized, and I sat on the floor, knitting and drinking a Diet Pepsi. I did sort some sock yarns, but mostly I was not helpful.

They boxed up a lot of the yarn in plain brown boxes and wrote a list of the contents on the outside of the boxes, then stacked them in the closet. There are a couple of new, full, Rubbermaid containers, too. It's so nice in the yarn room now! There is a bit of bare floor space, and the bed is all uncovered, so that guests have a place to sleep!

Rachel pulled all of her yarn stash out into the open and sorted hers, too, and Karin took home a couple of bags of yarn, so everyone was happy! Rachel bestowed all of her sock yarns on me, and I could not be happier about that! She just doesn't care about knitting socks, and would rather knit complicated lacy stuff! Go fig.

We went up to Rachel's room to look at her yarn stash, and somehow found ourselves going through her stuffed animals, finding some she can bear to part with (Bear. Heh.), and then she opened her former toy box, and started pulling out old letters and souvenirs. That was pretty entertaining, as she has every script from every show she's been in, many letters and photos, and just lots of stuff!

At that point Karin's sister came in and took her away to see The Movie, but we had to stay home to take Kim to the rehearsal for a wedding she will be playing at tomorrow. We had forgotten the rehearsal when we made our movie plans.

So I'm back at work, and hoping to finish the Gryffindor scarf tonight. I'm scheduled to work the next 7 days in a row, but it's okay. I'll finish this scarf, make socks with new yarn, and oh, I'd better get some library books to read at work next week.

11:09 p.m. - 2004-06-04


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