monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm at work, but I'm trying to be positive about it.

I had to come to work at 7 tonight, and I'm sick of being here! I'm just knitting and reading knitblogs because the phones aren't busy, and I'm noticing some things. Like, some people are too darned political. And if it has cutesy cartoony pictures in the heading, it is probably written by someone who crochets, too, and likes to make dishcloths. Also, I'm not interested in brand new knitters, who are young and bubbly and annoying -- they don't knit anything interesting. These are generalizations, because not all new knitters are annoying, and not all cute splash pages belong to people who crochet, but I'm just sayin'. Some people have a nice balance of knitting and their daily life, and those are the ones I like best. Not too heavy on the cute behavior of their small children, either.

Sarah suggested that we go to to Nebraska together to visit Gma. I think that is a hot idea, so we should do it! Now that it looks like I'll be getting some three day weekends; Thurs, Fri, Sat, and don't have to be back to work until Sun night at 11, so I've got plenty of time to make a short trip like that. I'll go to see Rachel at her new apartment on one of these weekends, too.

Yesterday Sarah wrote a journal entry about finding people you knew in high school on the internet, in which she explained that she didn't care about any of those people, but you know, I am always interested in finding out what is going on with people I used to know -- once you are my friend, you are my friend forever, even if we haven't talked in 9 years! So I googled a couple of names and found a website for my former best friend TJ that is hilarious in it's rampant phoniness! It's such a crock of crap! I love it! He slays me, because I know what he is thinking and why he writes what he writes and I know, that even though it is the most ridiculous horseshit in the world, I know how sincere he is about it, and I love that about him. I wrote an email to his "Contact Me" address, and I hope he writes back.

Kim is amazing today! She mowed the entire lawn (she's never done that before, and she has blisters now), she took the annoying dog for a long walk so Rich didn't have to, yeah, she's great. I wish she could drive, though.

11:17 p.m. - 2004-06-22


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