monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Why I hate my life today. Like you haven't heard that before.

I'm back at work and I have been drinking Diet Coke since I got here - I'm on my third one! - trying to wake up because I took a pill so I could sleep and ...

Wait, that was getting too complicated. Let me start again:

I got home from work this morning feeling tired, and I went straight to bed, but I kept waking up! I think it was because of the allergy pill I took last night when I was sneezing constantly! At about 9:30 I got out of bed, checked my email and called Rachel to see what she was doing. After I talked to her, I called another friend, and while I was talking to her, I took a sleeping pill, and then I knitted and talked on the phone until I got drowsy. I heard Rich come home for lunch and a dogwalk, then I heard him leave, so it was after 1 when I went back to sleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock at 6, and was going to roll over and go back to sleep, but faintly in the distance I thought I heard the doorbell. My neighbors have windchimes that sound like my doorbell sometimes and have caused me to leap out of bed and run to answer the door, so I waited a minute, wondering if it was really the doorbell, and finally I dragged out of bed to see who was there.

It was Steve from work, who has certainly never been to my house before, as we are not that kind of friends! I was staring at him blankly, still too drugged to think clearly, and he handed me a piece of paper and said that Mike wanted me to call him! What? Then the dog got out and started nosing at him, and he stepped back and the dog went down the steps, and of course I was in my nightgown so I didn't want to go out of the house, so Steve had to get the dog and bring her back, hahaha!

Oh, I think I said to Steve that I knew Mike had fucked up the schedule, so that was pretty, but I was groggy! I was on drugs!

I went in the house and called Mike who asked me how I was doing, trying to be all friendly and stuff, but he knows that I know he's an idiot who can't manage to fill in a schedule, and I agreed, resentfully, to come to work. I got dressed and left the house in a fog, drove through at Wendys and got a very nasty spicy chicken sandwich, and dragged in here to work. Where I started slamming Diet Cokes because the Magic Pepsi machine isn't working! I need the magic!

So here I am back at work and I'm in the most sluggish, fuzzy daze imaginable and these morons who keep calling here are killing me! I have had so many calls for the OB floor - calls from rude people who piss me off! I just got a call from a nurse on OB who says that a patient's boyfriend is disruptive and she wanted to know how to keep him from calling, so I explained about making a person a confidential patient, so that their name doesn't show up on the admissions list. I wonder if it was one of that patient's friends that I put on hold earlier as a punishment for rudeness?

Oh, and when I called Rich after his TKD class, he was cranky with me! He started crabbing about how he had to come home from work and walk the dog and then go straight to TKD where he had a brutal workout! I apologized for forcing him to go to TKD classes where they work him so hard and make him suffer such pain and I kept on apologizing for it in a loud sarcastic voice until I vented all that anger! Yeah, I'm sorry about his pain.

10:36 p.m. - 2004-06-29


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