monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Road Trip with knitting.

Sarah and I took the trip to Omaha this weekend and it was a lot of fun! We had a good audiobook to listen to (Be Cool by Elmore Leonard), and we took turns driving and knitting. Kim slept in the back seat most of the way there and back, covered by a blanket, because (apparently due to my age), I am always hot, requiring air-conditioning levels of coolness that cannot be born by lesser humans.

There was a high level of hilarity maintained by the constant use of the word Asshat, and much verbal abuse of the artist formerly known as Dave Biscuits (he's a broken box of biscuits - he looks good on the outside, but inside he's a mess), now known as Dave Asshat. An asshat is a person who is so useless as a human being that his only purpose is to be a hat for his ass. Or mine, as in, "Hey, I feel a chilly breeze blowing across my ass, could you come over and cover that for me?"

There were many driving minutes consumed by the search for a Sbucks, and the following of bad directions given by gas station attendants and hotel desk personnel, thus resulting in a high level of the use of the F word, and more use of the new word, Asshat.

And finally, there was the visit with Grandma, the purpose of the trip. She looks healthy, she seems happy and comfortable, and Shirley and Dwight appear genuinely happy to have her with them. They were all excited about their big weekend at the antiques show, and Grandma has a new motorized scooter that she was going to be using to get around with at the show, so they were pleased about that, too.

We wanted to take Gma out with us so we could spend some time alone with her, but she invited Shirley to come along, so we took them to Lobby Hobby, their favorite store in the world and rolled Gma around in a wheelchair so that she could look at "pretty things". We spent most of our time in the yarn aisles, and Sarah and I bought some feathery eyelash yarn and committed ourselves to making each of the old ladies a scarf with it. I bought some bright sock yarn, too, and later Shirley told me that Gma "needs" a pair of socks knitted for her. No problem, I am happy to knit them whatever they want, because Gma is happy and Shirley is taking good care of her! (They want another bulldog sweater because the dog loves hers so much, so I'll have to slog through another one of those too, but as long as Gma is happy...)

We spent a comfortable night in a hotel with admirable air-conditioning, and left early in the morning to drive back home. Sarah asked the desk clerk for directions to Sbucks and we actually found it, thanks to some careful questioning of said clerk.

We had a very good lunch at a place called The Brown Bottle in Iowa City, a very nice town with a convenient Sbucks and we were happy to be home in the late afternoon!

12:03 a.m. - 2004-07-12


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