monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am too tired to be interesting.

I didn't sleep enough today, but I'm hoping to sleep well tomorrow. I have to pack for our trip to Cedar Point, and then be back at work at 7 tomorrow night. We're leaving when I get home in the morning on Wednesday, so I'll sleep in the car on the way there.

I'm not thrilled about the trip, as spending two days in a hot amusement park, standing in lines with a cross-section of humanity doesn't entertain me like it used to. Rachel is trying to stir up some enthusiasm by reminding me that she will be there, too, but maybe I'm just too tired to care.

Knitting news:

Well, it's not really news, but I'm still working on socks. I finished a pair of lacy socks in Fortissima 1000 yarn, and started another pair, in a pattern called Cloverleaf. The first sock is done past the heel shaping. I'm using the same Fortissima yarn - I really like it! I was making a plain stockinette stitch pair, too, but Kim wanted to work on a sock, so I gave that one to her. She knitted about an inch on it, and is ready to start the heel flap, as soon as I show her how to do it.

Last night at work I needed something plain to work on while I read a book, so I cast on more of the Fortissima 1000 in navy blue and did about an inch of ribbing before I put it away. I'll probably work on that tonight, too, while I read.

I started a pair of pink socks for Ruthann that I'll work on while we're out of town. She's going to come over and feed Kim's fish and our cats and I want to give her something for it.

Reading: Overture to Death by Ngaio Marsh. I love her books, and I haven't read this one in a long time, so I'm enjoying it a lot since I don't remember who did it.

12:02 a.m. - 2004-07-13


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