monkeymom's Diaryland Diary



We got home last night from the trip to Michigan and Ohio. This morning I picked up the dog from boarding and bought a few groceries. I left them on the counter for Kim to put away, but she is still laying on the couch, reading a book she got at Barnes & Noble in Michigan, so I don�t think they�ll be put away any time soon.

I�m a little tired of trips right now and I�m happy to be home. We had fun, though, and Rich and the girls risked their lives on the newest coaster at Cedar Point. It has been out of order a lot since it started, and the day before we got there, a metal rope had shredded, throwing shrapnel around and causing much bleeding, and someone went to the hospital, so when we got to Cedar Point, that ride wasn�t running.

The second day we were there, they started testing it and finally opened it for a couple of hours, so Rich and Rachel, Kim and Kate, who went with us, all got in line for it. I just sat and knitted and got a sunburn, thanks.

They were in line for about an hour and a half and finally got to ride it, and then it shut down right after that, so they were pretty thrilled. When they went to get in line, I gave Kate my phone and told her she had to get her mom�s permission to ride because when we talked about it in Michigan, before we left, Inger said that she didn�t want Kate to ride it because it had so many problems. So the girls called Inger while they were standing in line, and she reluctantly gave her permission. First she asked to talk to Rich, because she evidently thought she could trust his judgment! Hah! She doesn�t know that where roller coasters are involved, he HAS no judgment! If he had been on it when the shrapnel was flying, he would have been proudly showing off his stitches later and telling everyone how cool it was! Rachel and I decided that if it had killed him, we would have put on his headstone, �It was the greatest ride of my life!�

We were staying in a hotel that�s right on the point, so it�s just a walk into the park, and that was nice because in the late afternoon, like 4 or 4:30 each day, we went back to the room and Kim and Kate took a nap and the rest of us rested in the air conditioned room. Then Rich and the girls went back to the park and you know what I did? That�s right, I sat in our room and watched TV and knitted. It was great!

We had a lot of fun at the park, and Kate and Kim got temporary tattoos . Grandma and Grandpa were there for part of the first day, and they went on the train and the boat ride, and then they left. We never did go on the train ride this year � I�m not sure why, we just never ended up in that area. We didn�t see the Snoopy Rocks on Ice show, either. "You thought it stunk before, now see it on Ice!�

When we got back to Michigan on Saturday, we had been planning to see the new Harry Potter movie at the Imax theater, but there just wasn�t time for it. Harold and Bertha took Rachel to the airport because she needed to be back Sat. night, and while they were there, Inger and I visited a friend, and then went out to my dad�s to meet them there.

We visited with my dad for maybe 20 minutes, and his dog, a Chihuahua, is adorable, but the visit was a little depressing. He looks terrible, and the house smells like an ashtray. I couldn�t wait to leave. You can hardly talk to him anyway because he�s so deaf, and of course a hearing aid is out of the question. I�m sure he thinks he can take chelated zinc or something to repair his hearing, just like the edible peroxide is going to cure his diabetes. It might be the other way around � I�m not sure. He had a pile of vitamin catalogs and newsletters on the couch, so there wasn�t much seating room, and the dining room table was covered with bottles of vitamins and miracle cures. I�m embarrassed that he is so dumb that he thinks any of that is going to work.

On the way to my dad�s house, Inger and I stopped at the cemetery to visit Mom�s grave. Inger planted a small tree there a year ago, and it�s very pretty. She didn�t have any other decorations, though, unlike the other graves there, that are covered with statues, flowers, pinwheels and other trashy fancy stuff. I�m thinking that I need to ask one of my friends in Michigan to take some stuff over there to decorate for Mom�s birthday!

I did find time to visit a yarn store with Inger and Rachel before Rachel went to the airport, and we bought some yarn and patterns, so that was big fun. I promised to knit a pair of socks for Inger, and bought yarn for a pair of gloves for her, too.

I bought yarn when we went to B&N, too; an unexpected find! They had a bunch of knitting kits there, marked 75% off, so I bought a kit to make a shawl/scarf thingy for Rachel. It just looked like fun and I can�t pass up yarn that�s 75% off!

So there it is, the perfect vacation - roller coasters, yarn, books, and visiting family.

12:06 p.m. - 2004-07-19


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