monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


What I did today: nothing.

Started a new pair of socks tonight. Not the striped pair I was thinking about last night, but a very colorful pair for Gma. I bought the yarn when Sarah and I were shopping with her in Omaha - it's a varigated acrylic sock-weight yarn by Bernat, that I'm knitting on size 1 needles. I cast on and knit 6 rows, did a row of K2 tog, YO, and I'll knit the rest in St st, then fold the top to the inside on the YO row and tack it loosely to the inside. It makes a nice looking picot edging and it's easier to do than ribbing.

When I got home from work this morning, I went straight to bed, and woke up an hour later to a raging thunderstorm! It was very loud and scary! I managed to sleep until noon, though.

Ruthann came over and took Kim and her lever harp (the smaller one) to the hospital to play lunch-hour music for the convalescent care unit. It's mostly elderly patients and they liked it. Kim said it went okay, but the food smelled good and made her hungry.

I'm trying to think of anything interesting that happened today, but I'm drawing a blank. Shopped for some groceries, made Chicken and Matzo soup for dinner, talked to Jeanette on the phone. Diana, I have been trying to call you for two days, so if you see this, call me!

12:17 a.m. - 2004-07-22


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