monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Adventures with Buffy

This journal should just be called Adventures with Buffy, because it seems like that's all I write about.

Today I was knitting at home alone, and it was lonely, so I took the dog out for a ride to Karin's house. I packed a bag that bore a strange resemblance to a diaper bag, as it contained the following items:

  • Plastic bags for scooping poop

  • a couple of squeaky toys

  • a box of biscuits

  • a leash (what? you don't take your baby out on a leash?)

The dog was happy to get in the car with me, and we started off on our little journey, but here is the problem with taking her out in my car - she is too big to curl up on a seat! Either her head and paws hang off in the front, or her butt hangs off the side. So she has to sit up on the seat the whole way, and she looks out the window and all, but I think she gets bored and would rather be napping. I think she would be more comfortable on the far back seat (it's a mini-van, and the front seats are all separate captain's chairs or whatever), but I don't know how to get her back there. She wants to be near the driver.

So we got to Karin's and the dog was happy to be there, and quite interested in everything in the house. She wandered around, sniffing and looking, and completely ignored the cat, who was a little miffed at the presence of a strange dog in her house!

Karin brought the baby down from her nap, and then the dog was really happy! Oh my goodness, the baby! Her best friend! There was head licking, and hand licking, and bum smelling, and then they played with each other's toys! Oh it was a joyful time, I tell you what!

So I stayed for an hour or so, and it was nice to visit, but the dog, she was hot, and she was thirsty, and I think she was a little anxious toward the end, wondering if she was going to ever go home to see her daddy, so I packed up her bag and took her back in the car, and she sat in the front seat and looked out the window and dripped her tongue all over everything until we got home. She was closer to the air-conditioning fans in the front, and she seemed to like putting her face in front of them to let the cold air blow on her nose. My car smells a little, um, doggy, now.

I didn't do any knitting at Karin's, but I did get to sit in the very comfy knitting chair, and I'd like to go back another time when I don't have a dog with me, so that I can stay and knit, and eat some dinner that I don't have to cook.

I did have a good dinner when I got home, and I hardly had to do anything with it. I had thawed a pork roast and left myself a note on the counter last night when I went to work that said, "Put the roast in the crock pot," so that I wouldn't forget in the morning. When I got home this morning I saw the crockpot on the kitchen counter and thought that Rich must have seen my note and got the crockpot down from the high shelf for me because I can't reach anything up there with my short tyranasaurus arms, and then when I got closer, I saw that he had put the roast in the pot and turned it on! He must have thought that note was for him!

When I got back from Karin's, the roast had been cooking on low for 12 hours, so I pulled the meat apart with forks, and poured barbeque sauce over it to make a bbq pork sandwich! Mmm, it was so good!

I didn't do any knitting at Karin's but earlier today I finished the felted purse, and put it in the washer with some towels. When I checked it later, it hadn't shrunk much, so I put it back in the washer with another load of clothes and I'll check again in the morning. The pattern says to put it in with a few pairs of jeans, but Kim washed all the jeans before she went to camp, and there weren't any left to wash with my purse. When I did the second load of wash, I put in two pair of clean jeans, and the rest of the dark clothes, so I hope that gives the wool enough of a beating. If not, I'm going to ask Linda across the street to let me do some of her laundry - she has two teenage boys, so she must have plenty of jeans to wash!

Kim is at camp this week, and there was a terrible thunderstorm tonight, and a tornado watch in the area of the girl's camp! My poor baby! I was listening to the storm, and worrying about her, but then Rachel called, and she has attended girl's camp in the rain many times. She helped me make up some new verses for one of Kim's camp songs:

Beaver one, Beaver all, Tornadoes make the Beavers fall!

Beaver one, Beaver two, Kimi stepped in Beaver poo!

Beaver eight, Beaver nine, Wet tents make the Beavers whine!

I hope she is having fun and doesn't have to sleep in a wet sleeping bag tonight.

11:23 p.m. - 2004-08-03


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