monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


No one likes a buttmunch.

I had a good day with Kim today and the weather was beautiful, too! It's August, but the temperature was like, 63 all day! Oh my goodness, it was wonderful. 63 is the perfect temperature! It should be 63 every day!

While I was sleeping this morning, Kim made meatloaf, using my father-in-law's good recipe. She had to wake me up twice to ask something related to the cooking, but although I remember being waked, I don't remember what the questions were. She told me later that we were out of milk so she used some soy milk in the recipe, and I assured her that it tasted fine. So that was one question that she didn't wake me up for.

When I got up, she was antsy to go out and buy a new fish for her aquarium, so we went grocery shopping together and bought milk and cat litter, and she was kind enough to buy a Whopper for me, because I didn't have any cash with me and I hadn't eaten yet. I love it when my kids are old enough to buy me food!

At the fish store, I usually stand around looking stupid, or go and coo over the hamsters while Kim chats with the knowledgeable fish people, but this time there was a couple who were signing to each other, so I struck up a conversation with the woman while the man was looking at something, and when I asked her if she knew Russell, a deaf friend of mine who knows everyone in the deaf community and beyond, she said yes, and then asked me my name and got excited when I introduced myself and said that Russell talks about me all the time! When she told me her name, I recognized it, and she is someone that Russell has mentioned to me before, and said I should meet, so I'm happy that I got to meet her.

Kim bought a lavender Betta fish and three little blue-glowy neon fish. They look so cool! I can't figure out why the fish look so much more dramatic and colorful in the fish store, though. Why is that? I'm going to have to ask someone, because I want Kim's fish to look like that. It's something about the way the tanks are lit.

Rachel called right after we moved the fish into the aquarium (and did you know that you have to submerge them, in their bag, in the tank for at least 10 minutes to bring them to the same temp as the water in the tank? I thought you didn't, and neither did I), and Kim answered the phone. She was telling the caller about the fish and I assumed it was Rachel, until I heard Kim say that she was showing her new fish to her parents. Then she apologized, and said, "I meant OUR parents!" but Rachel harrassed her about loving her new sister, Karin, best, and said we were all forgetting her.

We had a good walk with the dog while Rich was at Tae Kwon Do, and later while I was watching TV and knitting, I suddenly NEEDED something sweet, and there was nothing in the house to snack on, so I opened a can of condensed milk and poured it into a bowl and started licking it off of a spoon. Kim wandered by and asked what that was, and I gave her a lick, and she said it reminded her of her childhood! I said she was still having her childhood, and she said yes, but it reminded her of when she was in first grade and we were going through a hideous family crisis for about a week, so at some point during that time I must have given her condensed milk to lick off of a spoon. Probably, as it used to get me through times of stress and low blood sugar.

I finally covered the bowl with clingfilm and put it in the fridge, knowing I would eventually throw the rest out, because you really can't eat much more than a few licks, it's too sweet! Kim came back later and asked where it was, and when I told her, she went to the kitchen and got it, and took it to the den with her. I told her she wouldn't be able to eat much, but she didn't believe me. Yeah, later she put it back in the fridge with the film over it. I'll throw it out tomorrow.

I'm working on another felted purse tonight. This is a black one, and I've got the yarn to start the saphire blue one, too. I shrunk the three finished ones this morning, and I can see that Lamb's Pride felts beautifully, and the other yarn, the yarn I bought from the ladies in the local spinning guild, which is dyed beautiful colors, doesn't felt as quickly. It needs about one more cycle to complete the felting. The experimental bag I made for Rachel's scriptures is perfect, and I'm blocking it with three library books, because they are covered in plastic so the dampness won't hurt them.

11:34 p.m. - 2004-08-10


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