monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Going for the Gold in 2008!

I know it's been a few days since I made an entry, but really, nothing has been going on. Sure, there has been some low-level irritation and annoyances, but nothing to work up a good rant about. No really earth-shattering news, no breathtaking knitting. And there still isn't, but what the hell, I'll just start writing and see what I say. Heh.

So yesterday Scott called, and he said that the mission president has offered him the option of coming home a transfer early, which amounts to about a month and means he would be coming home on the September 23! Woot! He wasn't very excited about it, because he feels unwanted and kind of like he's getting fired. He talked to me, then he talked to Rachel, and later he talked to Rich, so he has everyone's input and now he needs to pray and decide what he'll do. (I hope he comes home.)

Rachel went out early this morning to watch a friend participate in a triathalon, and guess what she wants to do now? That's right, and she's planning to start training right away. Good luck on that, monkey.

Kim is watching the Olympics with Rich and I and we are all loving the games! Today we saw some of the Table Tennis competition and I decided that we need to clean out the garage and make a Table Tennis arena out there. If we start practicing now, Kim can participate in the 2008 summer games! I wonder if there is such a thing as a Table Tennis scholarship to college? Kim is less enthusiastic than I am, but she didn't get excited about it when I thought she should go into Women's Two-man Bobsled for the Winter games, either. She just doesn't care about anything.

I went to the grocery store with Rich to pick up toilet paper (which we were mysteriously out of, and I blame the dog for it), and I needed a size 11 needle for the felted tote bag I'm working on, so we stopped at Verna's. She was closed, but I called her from the parking lot and she came down and let us in. I bought an Addi Turbo ("Don't be cheap!") and some big stitch markers to go on the big needle. I showed Rich the cool scissor/snipper thingy in a little case that I want him to buy for my birthday. You might think it's not romantic if I don't let him surprise me, but with Rich, the surprise is if he gives me a gift at all. He's afraid to buy anything because he thinks I'm too picky and will hate anything he gets, so I usually buy myself something and then show him what he gave me.

When we got home, I pulled apart the previous knitting I had done on the tote bag, and can I just tell you, this is the second time I've ripped it apart! The first time the gauge wasn't right and I thought it would be okay, but it was bothering me, so I ripped it out and started over with a bigger needle. The only needle I had in size 11 was a needle made entirely of purple plastic and it was just nasty. Well it turns out it wasn't even the right size. It was actually a 10 and because I was sure it was an 11, I didn't check it with the needle sizer, I just started knitting with it. So when I brought home a real 11, the gauge changed again, and was much better and I just ripped it all out and started over.

That's all the news. Really. If anything else happens, I'll let you know.

11:08 p.m. - 2004-08-14


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