monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which work interferes with my knitting.

I had to stay up this morning from the time I got home at 7 a.m. until 8:30 so I could drive Kim to the college to practice with the cross-country team. I was so tired!! I went right to sleep when I got home and didn't get up until 3. Kim was home and she said she had a good run and was expecting to be sore after the run tomorrow, because they are going to be doing hills.

When Rich got home from work I went with him on the dogwalk, because I don't like to walk by myself, but I can't make Kim go with me after she ran in the morning. We walked for about an hour, with Buffy checking out all of her dogfriend's houses. We had to stop and let her run in the yard of a dog named Jenna, and yes, it was cute, but I just wanted to keep moving.

On the way home, we discussed the possibility of getting another sheepdog to be Buffy's best friend, but eww, then we'd have two big dogs, and we have 3 cats, and I don't think I could stand living with more animals. The house already smells like a zoo! So no, I don't think we'll be getting another dog anytime soon.

Kim and I made dinner, and I have to really work on doing that every night, because when school starts and she has early-morning seminary, and then after-school running, I need to feed her! I'm going to make a list later and then go shopping tomorrow. I'll buy vegetables! Fruit! Soy milk! Yes! She'll be healthy!

I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I have to go knit now. I'm working on the French Market Bag from the archives. I saw it there months ago, but I wasn't interested in making felted bags back then, whereas now I am All About It. So I put aside the Totebag of Hugeness, and started this very cute bag last night. It's really all I want to do, but darn it, I have to get some work done tonight first. I hate how my job interferes with my knitting.

12:18 a.m. - 2004-08-18


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