monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Last week it was funny, but now the joke's wearing thin.

I had three days off this weekend, but I didn't do anything interesting. It's allergy time, so I spent a certain amount of time suffering, and the rest of it was spent on the couch, knitting.

I took Kim shopping for school clothes on Friday - ugh, what a miserable place JCPenney is! The racks were too close together and there were too many of them, the place was too full of little kids, and I was getting too much psychic input, so I overloaded quickly and we left.

We went to Walmart, and shopped a little there, and the next day I let Kim go shopping with Kelly and Karin and I stayed home! Woot! Kim used my debit card like a pro, a habit I'm not sure I want to encourage, and she came home with a very cute outfit and a Lord of the Rings poster. Yeah, she can't have too many of those.

At Penney I saw a couple of sweaters that I liked but they were made of cheazy-feeling yarn, so when I got home I cast on for a hoody in Lamb's Pride wool, in the color called Blue Flannel, which is a little softer than Navy Blue. I had to keep messing around to get the gauge, so that was irritating, but I'm almost done with the second sleeve now (I like to make sleeves first). I am using a pattern that will require that the pieces be sewn together when they're all done, so that's a drag. It's designed to have buttons down the front, but I'll put in a zipper, instead. I was thinking of knitting a little cardigan, too, but Kim bought one on the shopping trip with the girls, so it's optional now.

This morning I woke up at 3:30, and the first thing I thought of, after "Damn! It's 3:30!", was the sock the dog ate last week, and I remembered that I had a little of that sock yarn left, so I went to the yarn room and found the bag of leftover sock yarns and cast on for the replacement sock. I worked on that all day and it's almost done. I was sitting in bed at about 4:30, knitting the new sock and reading, when I had a thought about sorting yarns in the yarn room, so I went back and put some things in different bins and then went back to my knitting. I think that when you have to get up and sort yarn at 4:30 a.m. that it might be a kind of sickness.

11:20 p.m. - 2004-08-22


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