monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm so glad when Scotty comes home...

Okay, I know I haven't posted anything in weeks, but really, there has been nothing to tell. I feel like all I do is sleep and work.

Here is the barest skeleton of an entry, and I will try to get back to writing something every night that I work, just so Diana will have something to read. I don't know who else is reading this.


Just finished two pair of socks for my FSIL, and I will send those, along with a couple of pair that I made for Rachel, as soon as I finish re-knitting the toes on the last pair for her. I used a different technique for the heels of this pair, and the end result was that the socks were about 2 inches too long, so I am ripping them back and knitting the toes again. Yawn.


I'm reading Persuasion, by Jane Austen. I read Sense and Sensibility again a few days ago, and then started Persuasion. I love Jane Austen.


Oh yes, studying, because I went insane and took two classes this semester, I think because I was feeling old around my birthday and wanted to do something. What the hell was I thinking? I took Into to Chemistry and Human Growth and Development, with a crazy idea of going back to nursing school, but I am so regretting it now!

Chemistry is full of math, and I hate math. Kim was kindly helping me with it tonight, but I really need more help than what she can offer. I'll be glad when Scott is home. Human Growth is just a lot of reading and listening to tapes, and watching videotapes - it's just lots more work than I expected. I'm lazy!


Scott is going to be home in just 8 days! Woot! I need to clean his room, and bathe the dog so she won't be repulsive when he gets here.

Okay, that's enough of an update for now. I have to get back to reading Persuasion, and knitting the sock toes, and ignoring my Human Growth workbook!

4:06 a.m. - 2004-09-15


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