monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Here I am again.

My back hurts! Just last week I was happily telling someone about how my back never hurts anymore because the wonderful chiropractor cured me, and now it's really hurting! Ow, sweetie, ow, dahling!

So today Scott said I was a closet Republican, but since he has been Mr. Young Republican since his 10th grade Government class, he finds nothing shameful about it, and is rather proud of me. He mentioned several specific reasons why he considers me a closet Republican, but I can't think of any of them right now. I just thought it was funny when he said it.

We went out to do errands this afternoon, including a deposit to Rachel's account and a stop to pay the water bill, and the reason Scott came with me was to apply for a seasonal (and therefore temporary) job at Walmart. I dropped him off at the front door and went off to the bank, and when I finished my business there, which took 5 minutes, I went back to Walmart to wait.

I sat in the car in a handicapped spot for a while, reading a book that I had in my purse, and I kept glancing at the door, but he was taking so long I thought that maybe someone from the front office spotted him applying for the job and ran to HR to get the personnel manager so she could come and see how cute he is (Which apparently happens all the time, according to Diana) and they must have hired him on the spot. And evidently put him right to work, because I was waiting in the car forever! I witnessed an old dear in a headscarf driving a big car like a Lincoln trying to make a turn into a parking space bump the rear of the SUV in the next space and shove it into the cart corral, and that was very amusing, but it only killed a couple of minutes.

I had been there for 45 minutes when Kim called to remind me that she doesn't have cross-country practice after school anymore (thank goodness), so I went to pick her up, and then took her back to Walmart with me (against her will) to continue waiting.

Finally, an hour after I dropped him off, Scott came loping out of the store, carrying his backpack (manpurse) over his shoulder, and he climbed in the car and said he has to go back tomorrow because he never even applied !!

OMG, he said there is a computer application kiosk and since there is only one, he had to wait for 3 other people to finish and the last one took forever, so he gave up. He is planning to go back in the morning. Maybe he could apply for a job with his shirt off to attract the attention of the HR manager as mentioned above... no wait, he's a twig, never mind.

So we went to pay the water bill and pick up some groceries, and I never did get to the college to take my test for HG&D, but I will do that tomorrow.

We went home and I cooked Chicken and Black Bean burritos while Scott made Monkey Bread for his YSA FHE group. So far the FHE group consists of Preston and Natalie, even though Scott called the young man who is supposed to be in charge of YSA activities and invited him over to watch Daredevil at our house tonight, but he didn't show.

So P & N came over for the movie and I had to sit through the first part of it again because I was helping Natalie knit! She learned how from her college roommate last year, and made a scarf with some eyelash yarn (of course, and I can see Rachel rolling her eyes right now), but she wants to learn to make other things, so tonight she started a mohair beret. Yeah, in retrospect I think that might turn out to be a mistake, because working with mohair is a pain, but it's better to work on something you're excited about than to go with a safer but duller choice. She wants to do mittens next, and we'll use a nice smooth yarn!

Once Natalie was happily doing her ribbing, I went with Rich to walk Buffy - oh, that reminds me, that after the errand running, Scott and I got Buffy upstairs to the bathroom by trickery again, and I'm afraid she may be on to us now and it won't work a third time, and we washed her stinky muzzle. I've got to get that dog to the groomer for a real bath. By the time we returned from the walk, the kids were watching League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and it wasn't better than Daredevil, but I hadn't seen it before, so I was only seeing the gross parts for the first time.

And here I am at work.

11:55 p.m. - 2004-10-18


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