monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


What he thought was H2O was H2SO4. Heh.

Okay, I slaved over chapter 5 this afternoon, kept working on it even when I hit the wall of tiredness, and finished the chapter. Tomorrow I am going to go over the chapter summary, take the practice test and then go for the real test. Yay! Then I can immediately start working on chapter 6. Boo!

Tonight I am going to read a chapter in HG&D, because I need to finish another unit in that class, too. I would love to finish it by the end of the week, but Monday is probably a more realistic goal. When I take the chem test tomorrow, I can pick up the video for this HG&D unit from the college library.

I talked to Kelly on the phone for a few minutes today and we agreed that we are falling behind in these classes because we aren't hanging around together and encouraging (nagging) each other like we were at first. So we need to get back to that!

Picked up Kim's new winter coat at the store today - we were in last week and had to order one from another store when they didn't have the fuschia coat in her size! Wow, it is really bright! I bought some white chenille to knit a scarf and hat for her to go with it, and I'm going to buy some of those cheap, one-size-fits-all (Buffy snacks!) gloves for her so I won't be sad when she loses one like she always does with my handknit mittens.

Better go review my chemistry flashcards now.

12:02 a.m. - 2004-10-27


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