monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Buffy is a bad dog and my dad is broken.

Halloween update -

This is the first year that no one from our family has gone trick or treating! Kim did put on her Arwen costume to pass out treats, but she got involved in a game she was playing on her Gameboy and stopped answering the door. Rich, Scott and I watched Ghostbusters II on television and took turns passing out treats. There was some discussion about Scott dressing as a agent of the Matrix (? I'm not even sure that's the right thing!) but in the end he didn't dress up at all.

Buffy didn't understand the whole situation and she was curious about the children coming to the door at first, but after a while it got old and she stopped looking at them.

So tomorrow we'll take down the Halloween decorating and put it away until next year, when we will probably care even less. We're old now.

Last night I was thinking about my knitting projects and not feeling interested in any of them, and then I remembered that I told my brother I would knit a scarf for him because he's doing a good job of keeping an eye on Dad (he lives the closest to Dad, so he got the job) and I got out the yarn I bought for it and started the scarf.

Today I got an email from him saying that Dad fell yesterday and broke his hip! So I was happy that I had started the scarf, and I am working on it tonight. I'm using some camel-colored alpaca and a simple two-row texture pattern of knit one row, K2P2 on the second row. It's so soft!

Oh, and get this - Scott fell asleep on the couch this afternoon, put his glasses next to the couch, on the floor and Buffy chewed them up! They were a thin wirelss frame and she mangled the frame and broke up the lenses! What a monster! He had a very light prescription, mostly to correct a slight astigmatism, so it's not a complete disaster, but Buffy is pretty unpopular tonight.

12:00 a.m. - 2004-11-01


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