monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Grumpy Old Man

I did study balancing chemical equations last night at work, and it helped me a little, but the problems on the website were simple, and the problems in my book are much more complicated.

That means that Scott and I spent several hours today slaving over my chemistry book, but I am actually almost able to do the problems now. I might be able to finish the practice exersizes tomorrow and take the test!

Tonight I brought my psych book to work so I can read the last chapter and do some workbook pages. Note my lack of enthusiasm. I would much rather spend time reading Barchester Towers while I knit!

I have been talking to Ed and Inger and Sarah every day, keeping up on what is happening with Dad and his broken hip. It's fun to talk to everyone so much, I just wish we had something more fun to talk about. I'm not happy hearing about what a big jerk my father is being to the nurses and his doctor, but I'm not surprised; he's never been exactly pleasant company. I'm so glad that I don't have to be there and deal with him, and I'm very grateful to the ones who are doing it. They're building their mansions in heaven, and I will be living in a ragged tent in the backyard.

11:53 p.m. - 2004-11-02


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