monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I wonder what job I could do if I wasn't doing this one?

I had a day off yesterday and spent most of it asleep! I went to bed as soon as I got home from work, but the phone kept ringing and Scott wasn't answering it! He was in the shower, he was walking the dog, whatever, but finally I couldn't go back to sleep anymore, so I got up and wandered downstairs.

Kim had a half-day of school, so Scott had already picked her up and they were playing a video game - well, he was playing and she was watching. I knitted for a while and watched the (boring) video game, but my conscience was nagging me about studying chemistry, so I put down my knitting and starting doing practice exercises.

Scott sat with me and explained things patiently like he always does, and I was working on the problems, but as I did them, I suddenly saw in my mind a view of the next 6 weeks of the class stretching ahead of me, with me slaving over problems every day and not quite getting it, and without screaming or crying I just put down my pencil and decided to drop the class. I have some guilt over it, and I'm not officially dropped, but I'm done with it. This is the first day in weeks that I haven't been sweating over chemistry problems, and it felt pretty good.

I still have the other class, Human Growth and Development, and I will finish that one with no problems. Next semester I want to take Spanish, or maybe, here's an idea - nothing at all! How's that for a plan?

Well, after the chemistry epiphany, I went back to bed and didn't get up again until 5 pm. That was pleasant. I felt so much better! I watched a movie with Scott until 2 in the morning and then went back to sleep! Sleep! Sleep! Is this not happiness?

What I'm Knitting:

Camel Alpaca Scarf for Ed

Sock #2 of a pair for FSIL

White Chenille Scarf for Kim

Glowing Red Scarf for Rachel


WTF? Someone keeps calling the switchboard on a cell phone, and all I can hear is a baby crying! Like, crying directly into the phone! What is that about? It almost sounded like two babies crying the second time, but the other one wasn't right next to the phone. Weird.

11:56 p.m. - 2004-11-05


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