monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Adventures in babysitting.

I can't believe I forgot to mention this yesterday! Scott and I were looking for something to watch on TV and I was flipping channels (I don't know where Rich was at the time) and there was a Scrabble tournament on ESPN!
Now you know I had to watch that!

It was actually pretty funny, what with the commentary, the computer aided scoring and the interviews with one of the players interspliced with shots of the championship game. There was a breathless audience watching on closed-circuit TV in another room! Who knew there was such a thing? And who would have thought it would be on ESPN?

So today I made Creamed Tuna on Toast, because with Scott home, there is someone in the house who cares what he eats. It makes cooking so much more fun. Well, the Tuna on Toast? Yeah, not so much. I remembered it as tasting better than it actually did. The same thing happened a long time ago when Rich and I were remembering how good Macaroni and Cheese made with Cheese Whiz used to taste. We both had fond memories of our moms making it when we were kids, so we bought a jar of Cheese Whiz and made some, but hmmm, not quite as good now that we're grownups.

We went to the evening session of stake conference and when we got home I made some chicken salad sandwiches, using some of the leftover roasted chicken from yesterday, and the homemade bread that Scott made earlier this week. Now that was good!

Kim had her first real babysitting job tonight. The bishop's wife called to see if she could watch the kids during conference tonight. I told Kim that babysitting was a good way to earn money and she said she wasn't sure she was going to get paid since it was for church. She doesn't understand that babysitting for someone in the ward isn't the same as a service project. She took all of her Gameboys (she's got 4!) and her homework, and apparently it all went very well. The kids played with the Gameboys, she got her homework done, and she made some money! Yay!

I was the worst babysitter in the world when I was a teenager, but I made a lot of money at it. I was the nightmare sitter that you always hear about - I talked on the phone, ignored the kids, ate whatever was in the fridge and drank all the pop. One time I babysat at someone's house on New Year's Eve and the parents allowed me to have a friend over, too, but her boyfriend came over, they had a fight and he punched a hole in the wall. Oh, and he drank a beer from the fridge. They didn't call me to babysit again.

Knitting news:

Still working on the camel-colored alpaca scarf for my brother, but it's only about 3 rows from being finished.

Started a pair of white socks for Scott, just because I felt like knitting a pair of white socks.

Almost finished with the socks for FSIL. This will be 3 pairs for him when they visit, but I think that's all for a while. I need to knit socks for Scott!

11:16 p.m. - 2004-11-06


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