monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am too tired to care.

Oh my goodness, I am so tired! I had to stay over this morning for an hour so that Barb could do to a meeting, and that was not a problem, but when I got home I couldn't go to sleep! Finally I took a Tylenol PM and read for a while in bed until I got sleepy.

I woke up at 3, but I could have slept longer. I dragged out to the grocery store and we are all happy because there is food in the house again! No one cooked tonight, though. We just ate all the leftovers. Tomorrow I'm planning to make Horrible Salad.

Scott wanted to watch Aladdin, so I borrowed it from Ruthann and we watched that with Rich while Kim was at YW. I got tired of it before it ended and wandered off to talk on the phone and play Snood.

I am just dragging tonight - I can't summon enough energy for anything! I have 3 days off and there was some talk about going to see Rachel, but I just can't do it. Kim is going to play the harp at a craft show on Friday - I'm letting her skip school - and Rich can't take any time away from work, so Scott and I will have to be here to transport the harp. Rich has been working late every night, so we are the dog-walkers, also, and that's another reason why I have to be home this weekend. Oh well, I'll be able to sleep a lot.

11:51 p.m. - 2004-11-10


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