monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Not such a good night.

Ugh, I'm having a not-so-good night here at work! I came in and the heat was cranked way up, because of the skinny bimbo who works here on day shift on Saturday and Sunday - the heat is turned up to 85! Hi? Wear a sweater!

Then my back started to spasm, but I didn't have any Advil, so I had to call the ER to get some, the security guard will deliver it, bless him. Last week when this happened, nothing helped, and I had already taken the wrong drugs, so I couldn't add Advil to the mix, and it just got worse as the night went on until I had to lay on the floor in the office and pray for death. Finally I called Barb and she came in two hours early so I could go home! I was okay once I was able to sleep - when I get really bad like that I just take drugs so I can sleep and when I wake up I'm okay.

I usually have Advil (the miracle cure) in my purse, but I ran out and still haven't refilled my purse bottle from the giant bottle at home.

While I was waiting for the medicine, I accidently bumped the magic Killz button on my computer and well, killed my PC. I don't know how to fix it, so I moved to the other desk and someone will fix it in the morning. In the meantime, I have to work from the other desk and the space bar on this keyboard is sticky. I'm just having a bad night.


What I'm knitting:

1. Convertible mittens for FSIL, and when I'm done with his I'm going to make some for Rich, because Scott has a pair that he bought in Canada and Rich likes them a lot.

2. Nosewarmer for RA. Well, all I've done is cast on and purled one row, but I'll work on it.

3. Second of a pair of plain white socks for Scott. I added two rows of navy just before the toe-shaping begins, just for pretty.

4. Shawl/scarf thingy for Rachel. This is not the same as the Glowing Red thingy, this is different. It's a kit I bought on sale for about 12 dollars, marked down from $50, and I think when I finish this one, I'm going to rip out the red one and make the red scarf by this pattern, too. It's so much easier than following the lace pattern!

Alpaca scarf for my brother, and a brown hat for Inger's husband. I like the hat so much that I'm going to make one for Rich's dad, too. He asked me for a hat a couple of years ago and I made one, but due to his enormous head size, the one I made doesn't cover his ears, and he insists on wearing it anyway. He's getting a better one now!

Okay, gotta go do some work.

1:08 a.m. - 2004-11-15


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