monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Wherein it is explained that I do very little, but I make very little money for it.

It's 11:25 and I just talked to Diana on the phone while playing Addiction Solitaire on my PC. She offered to let me go so I could do some work, and I gently explained that I get here at 11, but I don't start actually doing work until 12:15. I then realized that other people might be under the mistaken impression that what I do at work is actually work, so I thought I would write a little bit about what I do at my job.

Arriving at about 10:50, I am informed by the previous shift operator, usually JB, who is a slacker/student at the community college, that there is nothing going on, and he has nothing to relate from his shift.

11:00 - Sit down, open my Diet Pepsi, check my internal email.

11:05 - Read Knitblogs, web comics, do a journal page, check the online version of the local newspaper. Sometimes there are phone calls. Usually from Rachel, sometimes from people wanting free medical advice from the ER nurses. ER nurses do not give medical advice, they tell you to call your doctor. Callers do not believe me when I tell them this, so I transfer the calls to the ER so the secretary there can tell them. Idiots.

12:15 - Begin the work-related portion of the night.

1:00 - Break time!

3:00 - Break time!

3:25 - Finished with the Work. I am free to read, knit, do my checkbook, make toast, whatever.

4:30 - Break time!

7:00 - Time to go home to bed. I'm exhausted!

I would like to explain that while it looks like I get a lot of breaks, they are not your standard 15 minute breaks; they are only for a couple of minutes. I go to the bathroom and change backup tapes, but I can't be away from the office for very long. There is a person who can answer calls (there usually aren't any) and who knows how to respond to alarms (again, there usually aren't any), but he just stops in for a couple of minutes to let me step out. He can't stay, he's got his own work to do.


Scott made a coconut pie today and it was pretty good. It was a dull day and I was really sleepy for most of it. I went back to bed at 4, but couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and kept Scott company in the kitchen while he made stir-fried vegetables and rice with chicken for dinner, and I went back to bed after that. I didn't even knit today.

I just want to say that there is a baby in the nursery named Zaithadius Z. [Lastname]. I wonder what the second Z stands for?

11:24 p.m. - 2004-11-16


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