monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Have I mentioned that I'm tired? Because I am.

I haven't been taking my two-mile walk for a couple of weeks, what with the pain and all, but tonight at 10 Scott and I went out and walked! My foot feels fine, so I should be able to start walking regularly again.

It was cold out! I wore my Winter coat for the first time this year, and was happy to find a hat and mittens in the pockets, so I wore those, too. On the way out it felt good, but by the time we started home, I was warm and I took off the hat and mittens. This is supposed to be a good week for seeing the Leonid meteor showers, but we didn't see anything tonight - the sky was too cloudy.

I haven't been sleeping well this week, and I'm tired of it! (Tired of it, heh.) Every day I wake up after about 4 hours sleep, and I can't go back to sleep, so I get up, but I'm tired and don't do anything except sit, wishing I was asleep. I usually sleep for a couple of hours in the evening, but it feels like I haven't done anything all week because I've been tired every day. I hope this coming week will be better.

Ooh, ooh, Rachel will be here Wednesday night (with or without Dave, I'm not sure which yet) and our whole family will be together for the holiday! I watched the Food Network tonight and now Scott and I want to try some new things for the holiday dinner. Scott is pretty excited about having an American Thanksgiving this year!


I started the beautiful red scarf last night and I love it! I am already thinking about the next one I'll make, because this is fun and pretty!

Tonight I'm finishing the second white sock for Scott, but the blue stripes on the toe of this one don't match the stripes on the first one. Oh well, he can just keep his shoes on if he doesn't like them.

12:46 a.m. - 2004-11-22


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