monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


My head hurts.

I am so tired of not being able to sleep this week! I'm not getting enough done and my house is filthy, and, and, ugh, I can't think about it. It will just make me crazy. It's filthy and I can live with that, and I have three days off so I'll do some cleaning. Olga missed her regular cleaning day because she was out of town, and now the holiday is falling on her day, and my bathrooms are nasty!

I am happy about the red scarf I'm knitting, though! It's so wonderful, what with the beauty of the color and the drape of the fabric, and the fun of the dropping of stitches to make the pattern, it's all I want to work on! I wish I didn't ever need to sleep or work, because all I want to do is sit on the couch and knit that scarf.

Rachel will be here tomorrow night, and we have to go and rent Home for the Holidays, because we watch that movie every Thanksgiving since I discovered it. Did I mention that The Ref is my new favorite Christmas movie? I might have to rent that to watch at Thanksgiving, too.

Scott watched Prisoner of Azkaban today for the first time. The DVD player is a cheap one I bought three years ago, so it is going wonky and he had to watch part of the movie on his laptop. I liked the idea of watching the movie again, but when it came down to it, I was too tired to enjoy it.

I slept for 3 hours this morning and when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, I just got up and went to the college to take my HG&D test. I'm happy about the 42 out of 45 I got on the test, and unhappy about the paper I have to write. I haven't written a paper in 30 years and there isn't a topic assigned, it's just an assignment to write 10 pages about something to do with the seasons of life and oh yes, be creative. Yeah, I don't even know where to begin, but I'd like to work knitting into it somewhere. Any suggestions?

Gotta go knit on the red scarf now.

11:38 p.m. - 2004-11-23


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