monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Taking other people's drugs - again!

Why have I not yet learned my lesson about taking drugs that are prescribed for other people? Remember when the headaches meds Lucy gave me resulted in rudeness to the telephone company and subsequent (temporary) loss of long distance service?

RA gave me something about a month ago (I think it was supposed to be a mood-elevator) that she had tried but didn't like because it made her sleepy. Since I have had a hard time sleeping enough this week, I thought I would just try one of them and see if it helped. Wow, that was such a bad idea!

I took the pill at 5:30, so that I would be really sleepy when I got home at 7, and by 6:00 my head was spinning and I could hardly walk or talk! It took all of my concentration (and you know how little I have) to answer the phones! I called Rich and told him he would need to pick me up from work at 7 because I didn't think I could drive home!

At 6:30, Barb came to work and I was feeling so disfunctional (drunk, really) that I told her I needed to leave early. I started for the door but she called me back just as I got there to ask a question, and I could barely get back to my chair! I told her what she needed to know, and then I just sat there, mulling over whether I could manage to drive the 5 blocks to my house, or should wait for Rich to pick me up, and finally Barb asked if I was leaving and I had to tell her I didn't think I could get home by myself.

Barb dialed my number and told Rich that he needed to come pick me up, and she said he would have to pick me up at the front door of the hospital, which is several hundred feet closer to my office than the ER entrance, which is where he usually picks me up. I staggered up to the door and barely managed to get to a bench to sit down. Rich drove up about a minute later, and when I got in the car, he asked if I needed to go to the ER! I told him I left one of the pills with Barb, in case I passed out and needed to have my stomach pumped, so she could show the Dr. what I took!

I made it to bed, and went right to sleep, (yay), but I woke up in two hours and couldn't go back to sleep! Boo! So that pill didn't really help at all, darn it!

I called RA and we went out to breakfast and then grocery shopping for more stuff that we forgot to buy when we were in the store on Tuesday. When I got home, Scott said that Rachel was on her way home!

Rachel had been planning to leave after work, at 4 p.m., so I called to see what was going on and she said the weather was bad so the ladies at work sent her home early. She had to promise to call them when she got here!

It's a 5-hour trip from there to here, and it took 9 hours! She said the roads were slippery and sleety and there were lots of cars in ditches, with police cars picking up the passengers to help them out. There was a delay of an hour or two but she didn't know why until the traffic got moving again and she passed a semi that had jack-knifed and overturned. Apparently while traffic was stalled, everyone was getting out of their cars and cleaning their windshields, so Rachel did, too. She said she had been planning to do it at the next stop she made, but since other people were doing it, she followed the crowd.

I got a couple of hours sleep this afternoon before Rachel got home, but it wasn't enough and I am so tired! I hope to get caught up over the holiday weekend. I have the next 3 days off.

This weekend I have to get Rachel's hair cut and take her shopping for pants - she's lost weight and all of her pants are too baggy. I would like to finish the red scarf of goodness for her before she goes home, and that could happen. Especially if I stop writing and start knitting right now!

Happy Thanksgiving!

1:41 a.m. - 2004-11-25


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