monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which Scott is Universally Annoying.

I took my last test in the Human Growth & Development class today, and I'm glad that's over. Last night I read the chapters the test covered, the ones on Late Adulthood, in other words, old age, and it didn't sound so good. It sounded okay in some ways, but there was a lot of talk about organs wearing out and the stresses that obesity and other bad health habits put on your body, and well, that's a little depressing when you're fat!

So today when I woke up, Scott said that someone called to ask him to go help out at the homeless shelter tonight. He's going to be there all night, from 11 to 7, just like my working hours, so we can both sleep all day tomorrow.

As I was leaving the house to go to the grocery store with RA (and go take my test), Scott leaned out the door and asked me to pick up a book at the library for him. He said he would need it tonight when he has to stay up all night playing Hungry Hungry Hobos. That cracked me up.

We made chili tonight, and then while it was cooking, Scott and I took the dog for a two mile walk, that she enjoyed not at all because, first, we didn't go to her boyfriend Max's house, and second, Scott will not let her indulge her appetite for eating trash. He will pull her away from trash if she tries to get it, and then if she does grab some, he will pull it out of her mouth. She was pretty disgusted with us, what with the lack of trash eating and the two mile forced march, because if you don't get to sniff things and eat cigarette butts, what is the point of walking at all?

When Rich got home later, he took pity on her and took her on a walk to allow her to do what we refer to as Buffling, because she makes the oddest snuffling sound when she is sniffing Interesting Smells, like tree roots that other dogs may have peed on, and the neighbor's trash bags, and cigarette butts or the toes of your socks when you are watching TV with your feet exposed. He said they walked about a block when she picked up something, and he didn't know what it was, but once she found It, she wanted nothing more than to hurry home and be tied up in the backyard to chew it up in peace. She is such a weird garbage hound.

Oh, so meanwhile, while Scott and I were walking the dog, the chili was simmering, only I started getting a psychic twinge about it, and I called home and told Kim to turn the heat down. When we got home, I could smell scorching! Darn. Scott ate some of the chili, and he said it wasn't bad, just had a slight smoky flavor. I didn't eat any.

Later when I was having an IM conversation with Rachel, Scott wandered in to the den and stood next to me, reading over my shoulder, and then he started popping air into my ear with a broken squeaker from a dog toy that he found on the floor. It is like a little balloon thingy that you can squeeze and it emits a puff of air like the tonometer when you go to the optometrist and they test you for glaucoma by squirting a puff of air into your eye.

I told him to stop it in an irritated way and he said he was going to do an experiment, and left the room. Then I heard Kim say, "Hey, stop it!" in a pissy way, and I got the impression that the dog was being puffed, too, and then Scott came back and announced that it was Universally Annoying. He said that the thing about science is, that your theories have to be proven by repeated experiments in which you always get the same results. Then he puffed me in the ear again. I said, "Stop that!" and he said something like, "That proves it." Thanks, Einstein.

11:45 p.m. - 2004-12-07


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