monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


There was a blue llama, too.

I seriously need some chocolate. Yesterday I got two pieces of Dove Promises from a bag I keep in the kitchen cupboard and I put them somewhere, planning to bring them to work and eat them and today I was doing something and suddenly remembered that I never ate them! I can't remember where I put them, though.

When I got home this morning, I found that the damn dog had eaten one of my good black pumps. That ridiculous dog! She is just worthless except for sitting on the couches and for eating things she shouldn't.

When I come home in the morning, the dog acts all happy to see me, and then she runs to the living room and assumes the "sit" position in front of the shelf where we keep her treats. She doesn't get a treat unless she sits, so she sits, looks at me, looks at the treats, keeps looking at the treats, looking... until I give her one. That's the only trick she can do. She sits for treats. Nice.

I am sick of all of my knitting, so I brought some yarn down from the yarn room to make a pair of gloves for Rachel. I just spent about half an hour untangling the yarn from its skein and rolling it into a ball. It wasn't the biggest mess I've ever seen a skein in, but it was messy.

That reminds me that yesterday I was napping before work and Scott woke me up from a dream in which we had bought some llamas and I was rolling yarn into balls, straight from the backs of the llamas! The first one I did was fuschia yarn, and I knew that the llama had been dyed fuschia, but the second one I did was a regular llama color, and the yarn unwould so neatly from the llama and was so soft and lovely as I rolled it into a ball. Then Scott woke me up and I had to go to work! And I didn't really have any llamas, either! Just a big dumb sheepdog that eats things.

In other knitting news:
I am finishing a sweater that I started for Scott ages ago, before his mission. It's from a pattern in, I think, Vogue Knitting, in an article by Meg Swanson. On the original sweater, the sleeve cuff had no ribbing, it was just stockinette, and it looked good in the picture, but when I made the sweater, the cuff rolled. Scott has long gorilla-like arms, just like Rich, so I needed to add length to the sleeve and I decided to make ribbing, but I couldn't remember what yarn I was using. I looked around a little in the yarn room and checked the drawers in the hall, but couldn't find the yarn that matched the sweater. Scott has been nagging me to finish it because he likes it, so today he went up to the yarn room with me and pulled boxes and bags and crates out of the closet, and I sat on the floor directing him. Finally we found the yarn! It was some skeins of brown wool that Mary from the spinning shop bought at an auction for $2.50 for the entire bag! I finished one ribbed cuff while I watched TV tonight and I'll do the other tomorrow.

12:15 a.m. - 2004-12-15


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