monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I think I'll put a garlic press in his Christmas stocking.

I just could not be prouder. I took Scott shopping to look for a certain something that Kim wants for Christmas, and while we were out, we cruised the kitchen equipment aisles at the store and he ended up with a cast iron skillet for his birthday!

When we got home, he studied the usage instructions and then he made shrimp linguine for supper, using his lovely new pan.

Last night while Scott was cooking Beef and Mushroom stir-fry, which was delicious, thanks, he mentioned an idea he had been percolating, which was to start catering on a small scale when he goes back to college next month. That started the discussion of what equipment he would like to have, and that's how he ended up with a skillet for his birthday.

I was imagining the conversation I would be having with Rich when Scott goes back to school:

Me: Scott called today. He needs $200.

Rich: What for? Books?

Me: No, a food processor.

I am imagining the fun I will have buying little cooking gadgets for him! Today I was looking on the internet for the sandwich maker we saw on an infomercial last week (I couldn't find it, so we're planning to watch TV early in the morning again tomorrow when I get home from work!), and I found a Hello Kitty sandwich maker! You cannot imagine how much I want one of those!!
Also, you know that little cup with a flip-up lid that Alton Brown has for his kosher salt? Where can I get one of those for Scott?

In knitting news, I cleaned out all the spare needles and half-used balls of yarn from my knitting bag, and started fresh with just two projects in the bag. The vest for PBJ, and the gloves for Rachel. The gloves may have to be for me as I lost one of the unmatched (but both handknitted) pair I have been wearing when I walk with the dog.

Here's what I'm carrying now:

1. Vest on size 6 circular needle
2. Photocopy of pattern for vest
3. Wooden 6" needle for cables of vest
4. 2" of ribbing on size 1 needles for glove
5. VK Mittens and Gloves book
6. Altoids box containing paper clips (for stitch markers), small stitch holder, plastic stitch markers, tapestry needle and a penney I found in the bottom of my bag.
7. 4 size 2 aluminum needles
8. 1 size 2 bamboo needle
9. 1 size 3 bamboo needle
10. Two small balls of scrap yarn because you never know when you'll need a little bit of yarn.
10. Small pair of scissors
11. Paperback book, The Blue Last by Martha Grimes
12. New Testament
13. 1 can of Diet Pepsi for later

What's in your knitting bag? This is the cleanest my bag has been in a long time!

11:17 p.m. - 2004-12-15


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